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Welcome to WeruleZ Forum! Some things to remember.

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Welcome to WeruleZ Forum! Some things to remember. Empty Re: Welcome to WeruleZ Forum! Some things to remember.

Post by Bataluer 2008-08-01, 10:49 am

In Addition to that:

*You must avoid posting a thread with malicious words, all words thats not appropriate will be transformed to censor characters...

- 3 times offender will recieve +1 warn
- if you got +3 warn it will result to a temporary ban lasting for a month or less.
- but, if you try doing it all over again, it will result to a temporary ban

mark RULE # 16!

Number of posts : 173
Age : 31
Location : inluv na ba ako??..
Registration date : 28/07/2008


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Welcome to WeruleZ Forum! Some things to remember. Empty Welcome to WeruleZ Forum! Some things to remember.

Post by DreamWea 2008-08-01, 7:15 am

Welcome to WeruleZ!! Online Forum for Interactive Sharing!!

Just wanna share this to have great times on forums. Actually I'm new! king


The following rules must be followed at all times:

1.) Use the search function before posting a question, chances are your question has already been answered in a previous thread.

2.) Respect the netiquette: Get to know people

3.) Keep the focus: Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved, locked or simply be deleted. (Offtopic threads STAY in Offtopic forum)

4.) Be nice to each other and respect the Moderators. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator.

5.) Do not spam the forums and no blatant advertising.

6.) No warez, cracks, serials or illegally obtained copyrighted content! Links to content of a questionable nature, asking for, offering, or asking for help/helping to process such content in any way or form is not tolerated.

7.) Keep the size of personal images down.

8.) No cross posting. Post your message once, to the appropriate forum, don't make 5 threads that are identical in different forums.

9.) Use a title that describes the content of your post. Don't use all caps or special characters to draw attention.

10.) Do not send questions relating to topics of discussion on this board via personal messages or email to Moderators or Admins, they will more than likely be ignored.

11.) Don't post just to increase your number of posts. If you have nothing to say on a certain matter then don't post. The number of posts on this board has no direct relation to the experience of a member, someone with 1 post could be equally as wise as someone with 100.

12.) How NOT to post on this forum:

5 minutes after your initial post you reply to your own post writing something like "Why is nobody helping me? I'm sure you know the answer". Once somebody replies to your thread but doesn't give you exactly the answer you've been expecting you insult them.

Do not ask "what's best" because this question cannot be answered objectively. Each and everyone has their own view about what's best in a certain area. The best is what works best for you!

13.) Multiple registrations are prohibited and are grounds for immediate account deletion (why do you really need 2 accounts?)

14.) Discussion of Religion and politics is banned, this always starts flame wars, and we really don't need it.

15.) If someone is flaming you, do not reply, be the better man and ignore it, and report his post.

16.) Instructions by the Moderator team are to be followed.

17.) When posting screen shots, please use thumbnails, you can do this from websites such as imageshack.

18.) If you are banned, discuss this with the admin that has banned you, you do not need to make a thread complaining about it.

19.) Bugs and exploits should be reported in the Bug Report Forum.

20.) Do not impersonate other people on the forums.

21.) Racism / Religion and Sexist slurs will not be tolerated, Depending on the offence this could resort in a permanent ban.

22.) Insulting a staff member result in immediate ban.

Depending on level of offense, these may vary.



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